West Tennessee, East Arkansas, North Mississippi 901-300-4000

Archive for May, 2024

Technology in Streamlining Supply Chain Management

We live in an age where customers want instant gratification. Getting consumers their products quickly depends on streamlined supply chain processes, which cutting-edge technology helps optimize. Learn more about the role of technology ...

Enhancing the Small Business Customer Experience

Every business owner should focus on delivering a positive customer experience for everyone interacting with their brand. Small business owners, in particular, can benefit from happy customers because they're more likely to ...

Cybersecurity Essentials: Protecting Small Businesses in the Digital Age

Business leaders must be on alert for security vulnerabilities that compromise their networks. Cybersecurity threats remain a major concern for small businesses, but you can proactively protect your network from the latest ...

The Impact of AI on Small Businesses

Artificial intelligence continues to grow and make its way into various industries. Small businesses that have embraced AI are noticing distinct advantages to this technology. Learn more about the impact of AI ...

How Social Media Helps Businesses Maintain Customers

Social media has become a vital tool for small businesses aiming to effectively maintain their customers. Its wide reach and dynamic capabilities enable these enterprises to connect with their audience in real ...

How Small Businesses Can Benefit From Podcasting

If you have a small business, you look for any constructive way to get brand awareness up. Why? Doesn’t more traffic mean more potential customers wanting to pay you for goods or ...

Implementing Project Management Tools for Small Business Efficiency

Being a small business owner has advantages, from delivering a personalized touch or creating strong customer relationships to having absolute control over the company. Still, resources are finite. Suppose you don’t have ...

Website Performance for Small Businesses

If you have a small business, you understand it takes time for your company to grow, but what shouldn’t take time is your website speed and performance. Clients need instant solutions. That’s ...

Digital Wallets and Their Impact on Small Business Transactions

Nowadays, every payment method seems to vary greatly, especially with the rise of e-commerce and the digital economy. You might think you can’t possibly add another way to process transactions to your ...

Beware of Remote Desktop Protocol Attacks

In 2023, hackers used remote desktop protocol to orchestrate 9 out of 10 cyberattacks. How does this affect you as a business owner? If your digital infrastructure has any vulnerabilities, it could ...


Mastering AIOps: Challenges, Benefits, and Key Steps

Mastering AIOps: Challenges, Benefits, and Key Steps

How competitive is your business in embracing artificial intelligence and integrating these technologies into your daily operations? Mastering AIOps offers[...]
MetLife Denies Hack Amid Ransomware Attack Claims

MetLife Denies Hack Amid Ransomware Attack Claims

Many business owners like yourself provide employee benefits like retirement, dental, and accident insurance policies. One of the top financial[...]
Telegram Launches Third-Party Verification for Accounts

Telegram Launches Third-Party Verification for Accounts

Does your company rely on Telegram Messenger to complete certain processes? If you’re familiar with it, your team probably uses[...]


Atoka (HQ)

61 Orchid Dr
Atoka, TN 38004


Memphis, TN 38119
Covington, TN 38019
Southaven, MS 38671


Since 2013, Freedmind Managed Solutions has been a leading provider of IT support and consulting, focusing on small and medium sized businesses in the West Tennessee, East Arkansas, North Mississippi area. We have helped hundreds of businesses increase productivity and profitability by making IT a streamlined part of operations. We equip our clients with customized technology solutions for greater operational value and to reduce risk.

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